When looking for fuel or oil additives always deal with reputable companies.
Over the past few years we have had several people contact us who have been scammed by people claiming to be Bi-Tron Australia, or selling Bi-Tron or "Improved Bi-Tron" as one particular claim was.
These products are not manufactured by legitimate companies and as such cannot back up their products.
"Bi-Tron Australia" is the registered business name of Lubrication Solutions Pty Ltd ACN 137619857 and has been for decades.
We have assisted these people even though we DID NOT SELL THEM THE FAULTY PRODUCT.
ALWAYS deal with a reputable and established company.
You can easily check if a company is registered by using ASIC (Australian Securities Investment Commission) website.
Any reputable company would have full disclosure and contact details on their website for public viewing.
Beware of any website that does not allow you to instantly contact them.
We (Lubrication Solutions Pty Ltd trading as Bi-Tron Australia) have an excellent reputation spanning over two decades, and a customer base of thousands, most of which we have been dealing with for decades. Our business details and history are publicly displayed on our websites, and reviews and testimonials from hundreds of satisfied customers are published on our websites.
So buyer beware.
"If in doubt, check them out"
Due diligence can save you a lot of heartache.